[][src]Function ggpf::deep::self_play::muzero_game_generator

pub async fn muzero_game_generator<GB, B, A>(
    config: MuZeroConfig<B, A>,
    config_selfplay: SelfPlay,
    game_builder: GB,
    output_chan: Sender<GameHistoryEntry<GB::G>>
) where
    GB::G: Features + Send + Sync + 'static,
    <GB::G as Base>::Move: Send + Sync,
    <GB::G as Game>::Player: Send + Sync,
    GB: GameBuilder + Clone + Sync + Send + 'static,
    A: Dimension + 'static,
    B: Dimension + 'static, 

MuZero self-play games generator Spawn several tasks (number according to settings) that performs self-play games using the MuZero policy, sending them in the output_chan channel.



This function will panic if the evaluator shapes doesn't fit, or if the CUDA executor goes out of memory.