Work in progress status and links
This article holds my Github projects links related to Mirage-OCaml-ESP32 and will be updated with my progress. It also serve as my notepad and thought long-term storage so you might expect random stuff there too!
What now?
My OCaml Labs internship is done, and my ESP32 work has been presented at ICFP 2018's OCaml Workshop. So what's next ?
Build your own Mirage application!
A month after the first proof of concept, work has been done and here is how you can start to experiment with Mirage on ESP32 chips.
A Mirage unikernel running on an ESP32
I finally hacked my way into running a first Mirage hello world!
Compiling and linking for ESP32
A guide to a full native compilation workflow for ESP32
The Xtensa architecture
Let's have an insight on what kind of processor ESP32 boards rely on. A lot of standard stuff but my attention will be drawn on something called "windowed registers"
Last week report
Assembly, code generation and debugging fun!
As an intern at the OCamlLab, my project is to port MirageOS on ESP32 boards. This is my first post to explain a bit what is the subject, give some links, hints on what is to be done.
Implementing value speculation in OCaml
Value speculation exploits the CPU branch predictor to improve instruction parallelism. Here is an example of it in OCaml.