hello there, I'm Lucas Pluvinage, a full-stack developer from planet earth.

A picture of myself

Welcome to my corner on the Internet.

My interests range from artificial intelligence to low-level compiler hacking. Coming from a research education environment along with a long history of self-learning, I like to tackle real-world challenge with a practical mindset.

I'm a graduate of the École Normale Supérieure of Paris and PSL's IASD Master programme. My first software engineering role started in 2019 at Tarides working open-source projects using the OCaml programming language. Beginning 2023, I've decided to dive in the realm of consumer social applications. I went through EntrepreneurFirst's Graduate Programme selection process before dropping it to join amo in May 2023.

This is almost 2025, and I have chosen now to explore on my own. I am obsessed by the intersection of memories, collaboration, personal data & novel user interfaces. We'll see where it brings me.

here are some projects I've been working on

One day, maybe

A collaborative social journal, providing a safe space to keep track of your memories.


Monitor Eio programs: a tool to help developers understand what the hell is going on in their async programs.


A library operating system written in OCaml, allowing to build unikernels, tiny and efficient virtual machines.

Pixel stick

Basically a LED strip on a stick, allowing to draw images in the air with a long exposure camera.

you can follow or contact me on various platforms


Other interests include cats, ferrets, and photography.